wwww.accomnews.co.nz - Housekeeping The latest news for the New Zealand Accommodation Industry /housekeeping/303-in-house-laundries Sat, 09 Feb 2013 07:12:25 +1300 Joomla! 1.7 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Laundering your own sheets and towels /housekeeping/303-in-house-laundries/1417-laundering-your-own-sheets-and-towels /housekeeping/303-in-house-laundries/1417-laundering-your-own-sheets-and-towels Towels copyThis article addresses motels and small hotels laundering their own sheets and towels. I'm assuming larger hotels with in-house laundries have nice gear, expert staff, and proper, albeit small, ironers.

Sun, 04 Nov 2012 22:52:09 +1300
Careful consideration essential with in-house laundries /housekeeping/303-in-house-laundries/1403-careful-consideration-essential-with-in-house-laundries /housekeeping/303-in-house-laundries/1403-careful-consideration-essential-with-in-house-laundries UniMac-Large-OPLIn-house laundries versus outsourcing – it is a debate that has been around for many years. Both have their strengths and supporters, often depending on a business's particular circumstances.

Sun, 21 Oct 2012 21:39:40 +1300