wwww.accomnews.co.nz - Housekeeping The latest news for the New Zealand Accommodation Industry /housekeeping/259-outsourcing-laundry Sat, 09 Feb 2013 04:25:27 +1300 Joomla! 1.7 - Open Source Content Management en-gb The laundry conundrum: To outsource or not? /housekeeping/259-outsourcing-laundry/1233-the-laundry-conundrum-to-outsource-or-not /housekeeping/259-outsourcing-laundry/1233-the-laundry-conundrum-to-outsource-or-not AMGNZ15 -_Washing_Machine2Managers of accommodation establishments anywhere in the world have to make a decision on what to do about their laundry. Initially anyway, most will have a desire to keep it in-house so they know where it is and they feel they have control.

Mon, 19 Mar 2012 01:43:27 +1300
Airing Your Dirty Laundry /housekeeping/259-outsourcing-laundry/1007-airing-your-dirty-laundry /housekeeping/259-outsourcing-laundry/1007-airing-your-dirty-laundry LaundryEvery day thousands of pairs of sheets, pillowcases, towels, bathmats and face cloths are changed and laundered in accommodation facilities across the country.

Fri, 16 Sep 2011 03:48:06 +1200