wwww.accomnews.co.nz - Housekeeping The latest news for the New Zealand Accommodation Industry /housekeeping/253-amenities Sat, 09 Feb 2013 04:22:51 +1300 Joomla! 1.7 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Making Amenities Environmentally Friendly /housekeeping/253-amenities/1329-making-amenities-environmentally-friendly /housekeeping/253-amenities/1329-making-amenities-environmentally-friendly AMG16-Housekeeping-AmentiesThe latest growing trend within the accommodation industry is the use of biodegradable amenities in hotels - and for good reason!

Mon, 09 Jul 2012 21:50:29 +1200
The environmentally friendly, economical way to go /housekeeping/253-amenities/1216-the-environmentally-friendly-economical-way-to-go /housekeeping/253-amenities/1216-the-environmentally-friendly-economical-way-to-go AN10 - Pure Herbs PressWash dispenserLiquid soaps and body washes have taken the Australian and New Zealand retail markets by storm and there is barely a household that does not use liquids instead of the old fashioned cake soap.

Sun, 04 Mar 2012 20:38:11 +1300
Green Washing - are you Unknowingly Part of the Problem? /housekeeping/253-amenities/1014-green-washing-are-you-unknowingly-part-of-the-problem /housekeeping/253-amenities/1014-green-washing-are-you-unknowingly-part-of-the-problem Green Question MarkIn an industry where environmental practices and products are becoming a major factor for the hospitality sector, many suppliers are stretching the boundaries of truth, to get you to buy their products.

Tue, 20 Sep 2011 00:58:34 +1200
The new Generation of Bathroom Amenities /housekeeping/253-amenities/1006-the-new-generation-of-bathroom-amenities /housekeeping/253-amenities/1006-the-new-generation-of-bathroom-amenities BathroomLiquid soaps and body washes have taken the Australian and New Zealand retail market by storm and there is barely a household in these countries that does not use liquids instead of the old fashion cake soap.

Fri, 16 Sep 2011 03:42:05 +1200
Environmental Amenities Increasingly Important /housekeeping/253-amenities/1004-environmental-amenities-increasingly-important /housekeeping/253-amenities/1004-environmental-amenities-increasingly-important AN09-1-AmenitiesEvidence is growing that travellers are becoming much more discerning in what amenities they will use and that environmental factors are playing an increasing role in their awareness.

Fri, 16 Sep 2011 03:23:29 +1200